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The magic of cosmetics.
Created almost fifteen years ago by Savéria Coste, this small brand continues to grow. A look back at a French beauty story.
The story of Garancia could begin with "once upon a time", so much so that it is a fairy tale. "At the beginning it was a dream. I was lucky enough to make it come true. I imagined formulas with my eyes turned towards the stars", Savéria Coste tells us beautifully, whose ambition was - and still is - to offer "beauty potions that are so effective that they become magical". This passion for dermo-cosmetics and plants comes from her parents, her grandfather and her great-grandfather, all pharmacists. The adventure began with the latter in 1904 in Marseille. He quickly made a name for himself with his plant-based cosmetic preparations. A line of pharmacists followed, of which Savéria is the fourth generation. "I didn't really have a choice! My parents told me: "You'll be a pharmacist, my daughter! The young woman quickly fell in love with cosmetics. "My mother had created a space dedicated to dermo-cosmetics in her pharmacy, which was innovative in the 1980s. She asked me to look after it and I became fascinated by the textures, perfumes and formulas. Very quickly, I wanted to launch my own products.
Imagination and innovation are Savéria's two key words because "imagination allows you to go further in innovation". The first product she launched was called Pschitt Magique. An enzymatic face peel with a spectacular result in thirty seconds! It has become a cult product and is the leader on the exfoliating market in pharmacies. One is sold every ten minutes in France!
"By giving them special names, I wanted to stand out", says Savéria. Her second product, Abracadabaum, is a blur that blurs imperfections. Magic again! Savéria's secrets? I prepare the formulas myself, short and healthy. I mix natural active ingredients, inspired by grandmothers' and witches' recipes (my Corsican origins!) and high-tech. All my products have patented active ingredients. In our anti-ageing range, Mystérieuse, we worked on a peptide derived from snakes, reproduced by synthesis. Thanks to their effectiveness and names that remind us of childhood tales, Garancia has made its mark on the cosmetics market. Innovation is still the guiding principle at Savéria.
Now Garancia is known as an innovator and many researchers contact her directly. "I also have an Indiana Jones of plants who travels the world for me. The botanical alchemy of the future is my baseline. What do Savéria's parents think? They were afraid I wouldn't succeed, but they didn't discourage me. Mum even helped me at the beginning at the sales points. And I'm lucky to have a husband who supports me and pushes me forward. Garancia is still a family business. Garance, eighteen years old, is (obviously!) studying pharmacy and will soon be taking over. In such a perfect family, one imagines that the daughter's first name inspired the name of the brand. The story is even more beautiful: Savéria and her husband fell in love with the film Les Enfants du paradis and the character of Garance, played by Arletty. A flower and heroine's name for a magical beauty brand. A fairy tale, we tell you.
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